Monday, March 07, 2005

Quick. It's a turtle.

Shit. Scheisse. Shite. Let's not forget Merda and Merde. This is what turtles do...their raison d'etre. Eat, shit, bask in the sun. Eat, shit, bask in the sun. The only thing they are missing are margaritas and a convenient blackout in Tijuana. Did Joseph Campbell ever write about Zen masters torturing...ahem, I mean teaching, their wide-eyed young souls with eternal excrement exercises? I think not. Those disciples of oneness had it easy.

There's a story I found at that says, "There is an old story of a turtle and a fish. The turtle lived on land as well as in the water while the fish only lived in the water. One day, when the turtle had returned from a visit to the land, he told the fish of his experiences. He explained that creatures walked rather than swam. The fish refused to believe that dry land really existed because that was something beyond his own experience. In the same way, people may not have experienced the end of suffering, but it does not mean that the end of suffering is not possible."
They didn't own aquatic turtles and a filtration system built for minnow waste.


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